Friday 3 May 2013

Silversmithing Essentials

First things first - what will you need?

Dependant on how far you want to go you will need an ever expanding selection of tools. But to get started there are few essentials you will need to but in your first order...

Bench - Without this there is very little you can do safely. Although I have at times soldered on a block on my floor - I cannot recommend this method - it is bad for your back - and extremely dangerous.

Bench Peg - For cutting your silver on

Piercing Saw - for cutting and shaping your silver/metal

Saw Blades 2/0 - I have found this a good all rounder blade. I use this for most of my projects, there is a rule however which suggests '3 blades to the thickness of the metal'. If you are having problems with snapping blades - apply this law.

Raw Hide Hammer - For hammering your metal into shape without causing any marks to the surface - alternatively you can use a nylon hammer, I prefer raw hide.

Butane Gas Canister - For the soldering torch

Soldering block - For safely resting your piece on while you solder

Tweezers - for holding your piece and picking up solder/hot work

Reverse Action Tweezers - Excellent for holding your work while you solder

Flux - Helps the solder to melt, and is also handy for holding the solder in place

Pickling Salts - For cleaning the grub of your piece after soldering - be very careful with this - it burns

Solder - comes in a range of strengths - see solder post for details of when to use what


Needle Files - Half round is an essential - if you can afford a set go for it, you can get them reasonably cheap from DIY stores.

Wet and Dry Paper/Mixed Emery - for removing file scratches

Pliers - Round Nosed, Half Round and Flat